Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CO State 'Cross Championships hauls in the Moolah for VBP!

Pretty unbelievable....even in the midst of a (shhhh) recession. The generosity of folks is stunning. Or maybe it's just bike geeks like us who REALLY want to see this park styled out with all the features of a park set to be a MODEL for many to learn from. There seem sto be a lot of us though willing to help raise funds!

Zach reported the following from the VBP tent...

- Velonews sold cowbells and other cycling goodies...all monies going to VBP
- Dales hooked us up with beer
- Boulder Sausage supplied a plethora or delicious brats
- Antonio and the Rocky Mounts Brat-Squad cooked up some tasty bites for all
- Izze supplied the alco-free suds
...all for donations to the park
- our VBP tent had socks, posters, CX Magazines, new brochures and the video on display for all to see.
...we made about $1600 today!
Most donations came from the brats/beers, but we did have several larger $250 & $100 donations, sold at least 10 subscriptions to CX mag, & sold about 6 pairs of sox. People seemed especially generous when donating for beer and brats.

Everyone was pumped, everyone pretty much knew what the park was about...but maybe just hadn't donated yet.


States Cashola (photo by www.PHOTO-CYCLE.COM)

The park is going to RIP!!

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